OK here is my container with spinach and some summer (heat tolerable) lettuce. The spinach looks pretty sickly but he has done so much better than the other attempts.
This is my other container-o-lettuce. More heat tolerable lettuce. I am determined to have lettuce!
Can you identify what kind of tomato plant this is? I thought it was a porter but this bloom is different than any I have seen. This is one of my hanging basket tomatoes and he has passed his basket.
These are my Tiny Tom Tomatoes that are in a hanging basket as well. Not very tiny! I do see it coming down from the weight of the tomatoes.
My main garden. Not a whole lot of difference except the massive cucumbers taking over the whole garden. MAN those things have gone nutso! They are National Pickling Cucumbers. Is this normal?
This is my corn. Woohoo! Corn!! I hope to have this for the 4th, but I dont think it will be ready. How can you tell it is ready? I checked last night if there were worms (by squeezing the ends) and I dont think there is. I was going to put mineral oil on the silks. I am hoping that will prevent them from coming in.
Here are my bush beans. Is the yellow from malnutrition (but I put liquid fertilizer...liquid Miracle grow...but I didnt see any difference) or are they about done? I do still have small beans and blooms on it.
Cucumbers take over! Run for your lives!
Miracle box. Look at those cantaloupe and watermelons go!
I assume these are female cantaloupe and watermelon right?
Onion seeds!
This tomato plant has a very odd tomato on it. It is the only tomato on it and the blooms like brown. I am assuming this is normal but is it? I assumed it was a porter tomato (because that is pretty much all I started and I obviously didnt label them good) but it just looks strange.
Massive tomato plant. It is pretty good friends with the cucumbers. I am hoping not to find a red cucumber from "cross pollinating" lol!
The "lower 40" box #1. Watermelon (which is very puny but saw new growth yesterday), Pumpkin, Sugar Baby watermelon, and more watermelon (which is puny as well but saw new growth), bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, more cantaloupe, and crockneck squash, with babies!!
I have a pumpkin!! (right? or is that just a female with a bloom fixing to open?)
This is my tomato plant that had tomatoes before any of the others. Looks like it is an Amish Paste Tomato because it is growing long instead of round.
"Lower 40" box #2. Tomato with cantaloupe behind it (I bought a bonnie pot with 8 plants in it. I couldnt just kill them! I thought they wouldnt all survive. I was wrong), my smaller tomatoes with crockneck squash behind both of them, and then you see more squash with cabbage and broccoli in front of it. I tied them up close to the trellis so they would give the cabbage and broccoli more room.
Crockneck babies! Mom is going to have to keep an eye on this (I dont like squash). I am not sure how fast they grow.
Cauliflower :) I had another one that was ravished by slugs (I think). They were green just like the plant so I didnt see them for a while. I am hoping he will recover, but I kinda doubt it.
Broccoli, which the right one has had his left leaf completely bitten off. I am assuming it is a rabbit or deer because it doesnt have holes, it is gone.
Very tiny cabbage. It hasnt done much, but I have learned, that doesn't mean much. Those are usually the ones the have growth spurts and grows bigger than the rest.
Mystery plant is growing pretty good.
My berry bushes havent grown too much so I didnt take any pictures.
This is my June 26th, harvest. It was about 1 1/2 lbs. I have sense harvested 10 1/2 lbs of cucumbers and bush beans.